
time to play...

Jayden is doing so well today. I think that he woke up in some pain from the shunt being put in, the body is adjusting and a bit swollen which will fade over time. A normal recovery from surgery. A shunt is put in and coiled at the bottom by his tummy, so as he grows, it "grows" or uncoils with him. If there are no infections or clogged "plumbing", they keep it in for a lifetime. He just can't be by strong magnetic pulls due to the valve being operated by a magnet.

He went upstairs in the play room and played really well. He seems to be as close to his normal self to date. We are hopeful that he will wake up from his nap, and be refreshed and go to the play room again. If he is still doing well, we may even go home today!

Thank you Joe, Deb, Christa, and Sienna for playing with us and a yummy lunch!