
c. diff

Clostridium diffcile. You suck, too.

It is a bacterial infection in the colon causing diarrhea and vmoiting. The secret was in Jayden's poop. We now know what has been making Jayden so sick. He is still in the hospital on a new form of antibotics to help kill this bacteria. Last week, Jayden was on an antibiotic for a sinus infection. It killed off good bacteria and left his body open for the bad bacteria to take over....and it did.

So-Praise God for once again showing up in the 11th hour and giving us a diagnosis that (i think) we can handle. I an so tired of my children being sick and I feel like I am going to have to "dig deep" the rest of their lives to deal with it and rise above the fear of loosing them. I have to admit when you see your child in a hospital bed, sick and sad, tired and not himself, especially in light of Sanfilippo, you worry that it is the end. You think the worst when there is no answers and the command that God gives to "be still and know He is God is one of the hardest commandments to obey. Be still. Wait. Wait some more in the vast unknown. Wait as your child's life hangs in the balence. Wait with no answers. Be still and know that I am God.

Tough stuff, if you ask me.

Anyway, Jayden is sleeping, on his second dose of antibiotics. He still wakes and screams out due to stomach pains. He is still in the hospital. The staff has been great! So gentle to Jayden and treating us like we are in a 5 star hotel. Although I don't know how many 5-star hotels clean puke and poop with a smile.

Also, thank you for praying. I know that God is listening. Not just because the outcome is good, but because He says He listens. It is sort of like a parent saying, because I told you so, and that having to be the only answer you as a child get.

Thank you to all who came to visit, Ken, Joan, Angie, Andrea, Steve, Sherry (who drove 3 hours for 45 minutes) Sarah, Nate, Melissa, Steve, and Rian (I don't know many Aunts that will help pin down their nephew while they insert a cathader). Thank you, also to Ms Varney and Ms Rodriguez, his teachers from school who stopped by.

Thank you for the texts, the group prayers, phone calls and offers to help. Mary Brooks, if you are reading, thank you for your tears :)

Once again, over and over, the body of Christ goes into working mode and is such a beautiful picture of love for us!

Hopefully-tonight will be good J can recover quickly. Please-if you are sick or on antibiotics DO NOT come visit....you don't want this.