

There are very few gifts of love that compare to friendship. Today, I am still on a high from the undeserved love from my dear friends and husband I felt in a huge way yesterday. Annually, Rockford First (Kelly's church) holds a woman's conference, Original, and at the end of the conference, they do a session called Original Gives. It is a time to celebrate nominated women who have made a difference in other people's lives. Kelly, my dear friend, asked Justin, Katie, Angie, and Andrea, to help her in nominating me and I was one of the recipients. All I knew was they were taking me Friday evening out to Kelly's for a sleepover, and we would be doing something on Saturday. I had no idea about the award. We arrived at the church for the conference and sat through the first session about mercy ministries. I thought it was a bit weird that this is what was so secret, but I went with it, thinking we would all get pedicures after or something. To be honest, I was just enjoying my girls and the company. When the first session ended, they changed the stage decor and put out couches. They announced the session as Original Gives (like Oprah's Favorite Things) and began to announce women they chose to honor. As they read names, the gifts became bigger and bigger. I knew at that point, my girls were up to something as they exchanged giggles and looks but never expected what happened next. They introduced the next woman and showed the video (below) and there was my name and my husband on three jumbo screens. In addition to the video, we all went on stage (Joan drove in and my mom surprised me in the front row with Brooklyn) and through the tears, I was presented with some fabulous gifts of a spa weekend, gift cards, Easter baskets for the kids and $2,500! I was so humbled. Here are my friends, who have done way more for me than I have for them, and Kelly, who out of her unselfish heart, nominated me when her herself deserved the honor. All my friends and husband are more deserving than me. They are the ones I look up to and want to be like, so for me to be the one being acknowledged....I couldn't understand. I was feeling guilty and wanted to share the gift with Kelly....and low and behold, the lovely ladies at Rockford First, Jen and Lisa, were so touched by her unselfish love they gave her gifts too! I was sooooo happy for her and it is a day I will never forget. Thank you Jacob at Rockford First, for your time putting together the video---it means the world to me! Once again, Thank you is never enough! I love you guys! Thanks!

Original Gives - Boyce Interview from Rockford First on Vimeo.