On Friday, May 14, over 80 people donated to buildwiththeboyces AND permanently dyed their hair PURPLE! Some men (Josh Petersen and Bob Brooks) colored their entire heads....many woman added streaks of color, and Dave Anderson dyed his facial hair! We also had a lot of teenagers come out and our youngest client, Elle Bea (who turned 2 that day) put in 3 purple streaks for Jay Jay and beeba! Justin has a mow-hawk of purple and I dyed the back half of mine! The event raised over $1,100! People are definately talking. Especially when we all showed up at church with purple hair. Thank you, Josh, for going the distance and going on stage with purple hair for our children. That what so huge and meant a lot to us. Thank you! Great job Danielle, Carol, Gretchen, Heidi, Stephanie, and Katelyn...and everyone else who helped the event be a great success!
Also, many of you wore purple! From all ends of the state...people observed MPS Awareness day. Many friends and family wore purple to work Friday and over the weekend. Special mention and thanks:
Kalie's school in Schaumburg....every teacher wore purple and suprised Kalie!
Matt and the staff in Belvidere Verizon Wireless store...all wore purple dress shirts!
Woodland Primary teachers all wore purple to suprise our sister, Rian!
Way to go! The momentum is greater than we have ever seen before!
Sunday afternoon we spent filming our nomination video for Extreme Makeover:Home Edition. Thanks Jon and Heather Welsch, and Tyler Brooks and Amanda Miller!
Sunday night we closed the day at youth group and a young student, came up to me and donated money to us....I almost cried.
To be honest, I am emotionally spent. It forces us to look at Sanfilippo right in the face. Very necessary...very painful....we couldn't do it without you all!
Until next year....
we will keep getting bigger and better until the whole world knows!