
Brooklyn's a model!

So I opened the package that came in the mail thinking it was a christmas gift that I ordered. I was shocked when I found 3 COURAGE magazines with Brooklyn's picture on the cover! There is also a picture of her inside from a wonderful gathering we attended in Bloomington.
To be honest, it is with mixed emotions I see it. I am so proud of her like any mom would be if their daughter graced the cover of any Parenting, Family Fun, or Gap ad. However, it is a magazine for the National MPS society. As if we didn't need another "reminder" she has now reached international publication as a Sanfilippo "poster" child.
I really think that the blessing and feelings of being proud outweigh the yucky feeling. I don't mind our family coming into the "spotlight" if it brings God the glory, we can tell our story, and our family can be a blessing to others.
It brings me back to the start of this all. I never wanted to wear the purple shirt, stand on stage, and share our story. I didn't want it to be our story. I wanted to sit in the back, listen to someone else's story, decide to give a bit, shed a tear, and look away. I wanted to feel bad for someone else and go back to my healthy kids. Awful, I know, but true. I am ashamed now to even to have those thoughts. As I learn to embrace the path that God gave me and my family, I begin to see that God has chosen us for great things, for His story to be told. God is still good, heaven is real, and suffering can truly be a pathway to peace. I am learning that "safe" and "easy" and "comfortable" are words that I don't want to represent me anymore.

So-all that to say, way to go, Beeba, momma is so proud of you...shine, baby, shine!